14 Google and Facebook alternatives to increase website traffic in 2023

Looking to increase website traffic? According to a report by Statista, Google accounts for 92.74 percent of the global search engine market share, while Facebook holds a whopping 79.07 percent of the global social media market share. It is no secret that the two tech giants dominate the digital landscape.

However, almost every business wants a piece of the pie and there is intense competition to get noticed on these platforms. Now that’s where our guide comes in handy. This blog post will outline and discuss 14 different Google and Facebook alternatives that can help increase website traffic in 2023. So, let’s get started!

1. WordSeed

With hundreds of brands and publishers in partnership with WordSeed, this platform is quickly becoming one of the most popular alternatives to Google and Facebook.

WordSeed is a fully automated content marketing tool that allows publishers and brands to syndicate their content across vast sites. And with over 70 percent of customers finding new products and services through content, it’s no wonder that WordSeed is an ideal option.

Time and resources are two of content marketers’ most significant constraints. WordSeed helps ease these pains by automatically removing legal, billing, and reporting obstacles that can slow down content distribution.

In other words, WordSeed makes it easy for brands through advanced algorithm seed their content on high-authority sites, and track the success of their campaigns in real-time.

2. Email marketing

Email marketing is another great way to reach potential customers and increase website traffic. In fact, according to The Radicati Group, there will be over 4.3 billion email users by 2023!

The great thing about email marketing is that you have complete control over your email’s design, content and call-to-actions (CTAs). This allows you to create highly personalised and targeted messages more likely to convert into website visitors.

It’s also important to note that email marketing is very cost-effective, making it a great option for small businesses and startups.

3. High-quality backlinks

One of the most important ranking factors for Google is backlinks. Of course, not just any backlinks will do — they must be high quality and from reputable websites.

The most straightforward way to get high-quality backlinks is to reclaim unlinked mentions. These are instances where your brand is mentioned online, but there is no link back to your website.

You can use a tool like Google Alerts to track when your brand is mentioned online. Once you’ve found an unlinked mention, simply reach out to the site owner and ask them to add a link back to your website.

Meanwhile, contextual links, updating old content, and creating high-quality content are other excellent ways to get high-quality backlinks.

4. Create content

This one may seem obvious, but creating high-quality content is essential to increasing website traffic. After all, without content, there would be nothing for people to read or watch!

When creating content, it’s essential to keep your target audience in mind. What are their pain points? What type of content do they consume? And most importantly, what will help them solve their problems?

Answering these questions will help you create content that is both relevant and engaging — two essential ingredients for driving website traffic.

5. YouTube channel

YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world, so it’s no surprise that having a YouTube channel can help increase website traffic.

Creating engaging and informative videos is a great way to reach out to potential customers and get them interested in your product or service. And with over 1 billion hours of video watched on YouTube daily, there’s an audience for your content.

Don’t forget to include a link back to your website in the video description, as this will help drive traffic to your site.

6. TikTok

TikTok is one of the newest social media platforms on the scene, but it’s already incredibly popular — especially with younger audiences.

While TikTok is primarily a video-sharing platform, it’s also a great way to increase website traffic. This is because you can include links in your bio and the description of your videos.

Remember that TikTok users are typically younger and more likely to be early adopters of new products and services. So if your target audience is millennials or Gen Z, TikTok is a great platform to reach out to them.

7. Pinterest

Pinterest is a visual bookmarking site that allows users to save and share images and videos. It’s also great to increase website traffic, as it has over 250 million monthly active users.

When creating content for Pinterest, it’s important to focus on creating pins that are visually appealing and informative. You should also include a link back to your website in the description of each pin, as this will help drive traffic to your site.

8. Social news (Reddit, Quora)

Discussions and forums can be a great way to increase website traffic. This is because people are always looking for answers to their questions and are often willing to click on links that provide them with the information they need.

Platforms like Reddit and Quora are great places to participate in discussions and answer people’s questions. But it’s important to remember that you shouldn’t self-promote too much — otherwise, you’ll be seen as a spammer and no one will take you seriously.

Essentially, create helpful and informative content, and be sure to include a link to your website if it’s relevant.

9. Technical SEO

Optimizing your website for search engines is a great way to increase website traffic. This is because when people search for keywords related to your business, you’re more likely to show up in the search results — and the higher you rank, the more likely people are to click on your link.

Think of technical SEO as the foundation of your website. It’s crucial to ensure that your website is well-structured and easy to navigate and that all your titles, descriptions, and tags are optimized for search engines.

There are several ways to optimize your website for search engines, so be sure to do your research and implement the strategies most relevant to your business.

10. Guest posts

Guest blogging is a great way to increase website traffic and build relationships with other bloggers in your industry. When guest blogging, it’s essential to focus on creating high-quality content that will be of interest to your target audience.

Include a link back to your website in your bio, and be sure to promote your guest post on social media once it’s been published. This will help drive traffic back to your site. Also, try to guest blog on websites related to your industry, as this will help you reach a wider audience.

11. Host webinars

Webinars are ideal for promoting your business and increasing website traffic. With their ability to reach a large audience and generate leads, webinars are a powerful marketing tool.

When hosting a webinar, it’s essential to promote it heavily in the weeks leading up to the event. Create a landing page on your website, and be sure to include a registration form and all the relevant information about your webinar.

Additionally, try to partner with another business in your industry to co-host the webinar. This will help you reach a wider audience and generate more leads.

12. Influencer marketing

Creating awareness about your brand through influencer marketing is another way to increase website traffic. When working with influencers, choosing those with a large following and relevant to your industry is essential.

Consider social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube, as these are great places to connect with influencers. Once you’ve established a relationship with an influencer, you can start working on creating content that will promote your brand.

Note that influencer marketing can be a bit pricey, so set a budget and stick to it.

13. Contest and giveaways

According to a report by HubSpot, 63% of respondents said they would be more likely to purchase from a brand if they had the opportunity to win a prize.

This stat proves that contests and giveaways can significantly increase website traffic and generate leads. When running a contest or giveaway, promote it heavily on social media and your website.

Additionally, try to make the prize something relevant to your target audience. This will help ensure that only those interested in your brand enter the contest.

14. Podcasts

Today, more than ever, people are tuning in to podcasts. In fact, according to Edison Research, 51% of Americans have listened to a podcast in the last month.

Starting a podcast is an excellent option if you’re looking for a way to reach a wider audience and increase website traffic. When creating your podcast, be sure to focus on relevant topics to your target audience.

Additionally, promote your podcast on social media and on your website. You can also submit your podcast to directories like iTunes and Stitcher, which will help you reach a wider audience.

Bottom Line

So, there you have it, 14 different alternatives to Google and Facebook that could help increase website traffic in 2023. While some of these may be more applicable depending on your business, we hope this list provides a good starting point for exploring new potential channels. 

If you’re interested in learning more about any of these platforms or how WordSeed can help you grow your business with SEO services, please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We would be happy to provide a complimentary consultation and discuss how our team can help you achieve your marketing goals. 

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