Ways To Detect Chatbots Like Open AI’s ChatGPT

The rise of artificial intelligence has sent tongues wagging all across the globe. From the people who are excited about what will be possible when AI is put to use to those who fear their jobs may become obsolete, it’s safe to say they all agree the world is changing right before their eyes. The growth of chatbots has made automating services more accessible, but it has also affected some sectors that may experience degradation; education being one of them.

Not only that, but the quality of web articles is also at stake from using chatbots to craft content. You risk serious action from Google regarding SEO, which is enough to get you to leap into action. So, let’s look at chatbots and how you can detect work done by a chatbot.

What Are Chatbots?

A chatbot is computer software that processes inputs and provides outputs as a conversation. The primary purpose is for humans to interact with devices or services and make it feel like they are chatting with a natural person. Like most programmes on the internet, there is a level of software development that goes into creating a chatbot. This means the more work that goes into developing a chatbot, the more intuitive it will be.

Low-level chatbots may only provide you with single-sentence answers to your queries. However, the better-engineered ones can offer complex and diverse solutions to problems you present to it. 

Popular Examples of Chatbots

Chatbots come in six different types, and whichever you choose depends on what you want to accomplish. These are;

  • Machine learning
  • Natural Language Processing bots
  • Voice bots
  • Keyword recognition based
  • Menu or button based
  • Hybrid models

Of these, some can be standalone, and others can be integrated into other pieces of software. However, what we’re looking at here, ChatGPT, is a conversational AI that’s built on a large-scale natural language processing AI model known as Generative Pretrained Transformer, hence the GPT.

Some famous examples of chatbots include;

  • ChatGPT: Here is a conversational bot that takes your inputs and gives you detailed answers, and is meant to be a writer’s assistant. Put a pin on this.
  • JasperAI: This one is built specifically to be a copywriting tool, meaning you only need to give it a topic of your choosing along with other parameters and it will put out an article.
  • Chatsonic: Writesonic came up with this chatbot as an alternative to ChatGPT and can pull data from Google to craft articles.
  • Moonbeam: is another AI designed to generate content and is powered by ChatGPT. It can recall all queries made of it.

Many more chatbots exist, each with its unique focus and how you can implement it as a business person. Not all implementations, however, are worth chasing.

What Are the Positives?

The positives you encounter depend entirely on the use you put the chatbot to. For writers, you stand to gain many advantages. For one, you can expect to hasten your writing by eliminating the process of coming up with words and typing or dictating them into a document. This translates to saving valuable time that you can use to edit your text to perfection.

The constant availability of a chatbot implies that you can craft text at any time of day or night. With the chatbot handling queries and other requests, you can get a good night’s rest and wake up to an article to edit. The best part is your chatbot is your most reliable writing assistant. Conversational chatbots are great at providing answers to questions you may have.

What Are the Negatives?

The thing with utilising chatbots is they do not understand nuance and context; therefore, can be a source of friction between your writers and their editors. When a customer uses sarcasm or slang or misspells some words, the chatbot may not get what they are trying to communicate.

Conversational chatbots like ChatGPT have fuelled cheating in schools. They churn out essays, articles, dissertations, and theses in a fraction of the time it would take a human to, and if the work isn’t checked, it can seriously damage the education and creative writing sectors. 

How To Detect Chatbots

As an educator or a content production supervisor, you know that anyone can use AI to produce a write-up with minimal revisions necessary. However, it is unethical in the first place and can deliver misleading work. Several tools are currently available, which you can use to detect work done by an AI chatbot. 

The first is Writer.com’s tool AI Content Detector tool. As a company that has spent years providing quality work to its clients, it has a vested interest in ensuring those customers continue getting quality work done by humans.

The other tool is Twaino’s AI Generated Text Detector GPT2, or simply Hugging Face. Twaino has been providing SEO tools to website owners, SEO professionals and writers for years. For a field that faces a pulverisation of quality, keeping AI at bay is in the best interests of all involved.

What is OpenAI Doing About This?

A furore has arisen from various quarters about what ChatGPT is doing to schoolwork and other professional writing assignments. All the uproar has reached OpenAI, and they’ve decided to do something about it. As a start. they have put out their own AI writing detection tool. However, since it is still in the development phase, there is not much it can do at the moment. OpenAI is working on making text generated using ChatGPT easily detectable by detection tools.


Chatbots will never replace human experience. On reading text from a complex topic, the gaps in AI’s knowledge come to the fore. Some questions that need nuanced solutions often pop out when done by a Chatbot. If used in the wrong context, AI text may lead to loss of life, money, or property, and that’s why it’s essential to be able to tell between AI and honest people in content.

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